Uses of Class

Packages that use TransformScope

Uses of TransformScope in camera3d

Fields in camera3d declared as TransformScope
static TransformScope TransformScope.X
          X axis.
static TransformScope TransformScope.Y
          Y axis.
static TransformScope TransformScope.Z
          Z axis.
static TransformScope TransformScope.XY
          XY plane.
static TransformScope TransformScope.YZ
          YZ plane.
static TransformScope TransformScope.ZX
          ZX plane.
static TransformScope TransformScope.XYZ
          Specifies a transform that affects X, Y and Z axii simultaneously.

Methods in camera3d that return TransformScope
static TransformScope TransformScope.scopeForString(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the TransformScope correspondent to the input name.

Methods in camera3d with parameters of type TransformScope
 void VcObject.rotateLocal(TransformScope axis, double deltaAngle)
 void VcObject.rotateAbsolute(TransformScope axis, double deltaAngle)
          Performs incremental rotation around one of the absolute axis.
 void VcObject.scaleRelative(TransformScope scope, double scale)
static void MathUtility.generateRotQuat(TransformScope axis, double deltaAngle, javax.vecmath.Quat4d rotQuat)
          Description of the Method
 void DistanceMeasurer.setMode(int direction, TransformScope axis)
          Sets measurement mode.
 void GUIControl.setMeasurerDirection(java.lang.String measurerName, int direction, TransformScope axis)

Uses of TransformScope in camera3d.action

Constructors in camera3d.action with parameters of type TransformScope
SetDistanceMeasurerDirectionAction(DistanceMeasurer measurer, int direction, TransformScope axis)
          Creates the action, given the measurer to act upon and the direction of measurement.

Uses of TransformScope in camera3d.gui

Methods in camera3d.gui with parameters of type TransformScope
 void ViewportsEventHandler.setSelectedManipulationScope(TransformScope scope)

Uses of TransformScope in camera3d.manipulation

Methods in camera3d.manipulation that return TransformScope
 TransformScope TransformationManipulator.getSelectedScope()
          Returns value of the axis or set of axii affected by current manipulation.

Methods in camera3d.manipulation with parameters of type TransformScope
 void PickRotateBehavior.setRotationAxis(TransformScope axis)
 void RotatableObject.rotateLocal(TransformScope axis, double deltaAngle)
          Rotates object relative to its local axis system.
 void RotatableObject.rotateAbsolute(TransformScope axis, double deltaAngle)
          Rotates object relative to the absolute axis system.
 void ScalableObject.scaleRelative(TransformScope scope, double scale)
          Scales object relative to its local axis system.
 void TransformationManipulator.setTransformationScope(TransformScope scope)
          Sets value of the axis or set of axii affected by current manipulation.

Copyright © 2001-2003 F.R. Miranda, C.S. Santos, J.E. Kogler Jr.. All Rights Reserved.