Class Summary | |
ActionExecutor | |
ActionQueue | |
AddDistanceMeasurerAction | Action that adds a DistanceMeasurer to the scene graph. |
AddLightAction | Adds a light to the scene graph. |
AddLineGizmoAction | |
AddPlaneGizmoAction | |
AddPointGizmoAction | Action for adding a point to a GeometryBag. |
AddSegmentToLineArrayAction | Action for adding a segment to a line array inside a GeometryBag. |
AddViewAction | Action for adding a new view to the scene graph. |
AddViewportAction | Action for adding a new Viewport window to the running application. |
ChangeLaserArrayColorAction | Action for changing the color of spots projected by a laser array. |
ChangeLaserSpotSizeAction | Action for changing the size of spots projected by a laser array. |
ClearGizmosAction | Action for clearing (erasing) geometry associated with GeometryBags. |
DeleteAction | Action that deletes a VcObject from the scene graph. |
DumpEdgesAction | Action that creates a text file with the list of edges of a VcContent object. |
FieldOfViewAction | Action for changing the field of view parameter of a given VcView. |
FileOpenAction | Action for loading a VRML file into VirtualCamera application |
FinishLineArrayAction | Action for finishing a line array inside a geometry bag. |
FrameObjectAction | Action for framing content objects in a certain view. |
GeometryBagAction | Abstract superclass to all actions that affect a GeometryBag. |
GetDistanceAction | Action for getting the distance measured by a DistanceMeasurer. |
GizmoColorAction | Action for changing the color of geometry associated with the default geometry bag. |
GUIAction | Abstract superclass for actions originated by GUI compoenents |
JPGSaveAction | Action for saving a JPEG image file from the view shown by a given viewport. |
LaserAction | Abstract superclass to all actions that affect a laser. |
LightColorChangeAction | Action for changing a light's color. |
LightStateAction | Action for changing the state (on/off) of a given light. |
LoadXMLAction | Loads a XML file containing descriptions of VcObjects and environment configurations into the VirtualCameta application. |
LookAtAction | Action to force a VcView to look at the direction of a given VcObject. |
MeasureDistanceAction | Action used for performing a measurement. |
MeasurerAction | Abstract superclass to all actions that affect a DistanceMeasurer. |
MovementPolicyAction | Action for changing the Movement Policy of given view. |
PointLightAttenuationAction | Action for changing the attenuation parameter of a given point light. |
ProjectionPolicyAction | Action for changing the Projection Policy of a given view. |
ResizePolicyAction | Action for setting the Window Resize Policy of a given view. |
RotationAction | Action for rotating VcObjects. |
SaveXMLAction | Creates an XML file containing the descriptions of objects currently present in the scene graph. |
ScalingAction | Action for changing the scale of one VcObject. |
SetDistanceMeasurerDirectionAction | Action for setting the direction used by a given DistanceMeasurer to perform a measurement. |
SetLaserArrayGridAction | Action for setting the grid parameters of a given VcLaserArray. |
SetViewInViewportAction | Action for setting the view which is shown by a given viewport. |
SetViewportLocationAction | Sets whether a given viewport is shown inside/outside the application frame, and also its size and position. |
SpotConcentrationAction | Action for changing the concentration parameter of one spot light. |
SpotSpreadAction | Action for changing the spread parameter of one spotLight. |
StartLineArrayAction | Action that starts the process of drawing a new LineArray in default GeometryBag. |
ToggleGridAction | Action that toggles the presence of the HelpingGrid. |
TransformAction | Abstract superclass to all actions that affect a VcObject's transform. |
TranslationAction | Action for translating a VcObject. |
TXTSaveAction | Action that creates a text file with description of objects currently present in the scene graph. |
VcAction | Abstract superclass to all VirtualCamera actions. |
VcLightAction | Abstract superclass to all actions that affect lights. |
VcObjectChangeAction | Abstract superclass to all actions that change a property inside VcObjects. |
VcObjectRenameAction | Action that replaces a VcObject's name. |
VcViewAction | Abstract super class to all actions that affect views |
ViewChangeAction |