Package camera3d.gui

Interface Summary
DoubleControl This interface can be implemented by components that provide functionalities to edit and mantain a double value.
DoubleValueChangeListener This interface is implemented by elements interested in being notified by one DoubleDigitalControl when its value is changed.
IntControl This interface can be implemented by components that provide functionalities to edit and mantain an integer value.
IntValueChangeListener This interface is implemented by elements interested in being notified by one IntDigitalControl when its value is changed.

Class Summary
CursorManager Manages the loading and supplying of application cursors to other classes.
DoubleChangeEvent Event created when a DoubleDigitalControl has its value changed.
DoubleDigitalControl A graphical component that holds an double value and allows editing it.
FrameSwitcherPane A subclass of JPanel whose content can be switched from this object to one external frame.
IntChangeEvent Event created when an IntDigitalControl has its value changed.
IntDigitalControl This component is inspired by some value-editing fields present at 3DStudio Max it allow the registration of objects that implement the interface ValueChangeListener interested in notification when the value of this component changes
VcFrame VcApplication main window.
ViewportCombo A version of ViewportFrame that automatically creates a ViewportCommandPane and a Viewport.
ViewportFrame Frame to which are attached viewports.
ViewportWindowManager This class manages all ViewportInternalCombos present at the application.

Copyright © 2001-2003 F.R. Miranda, C.S. Santos, J.E. Kogler Jr.. All Rights Reserved.