Uses of Class

Packages that use VcView

Uses of VcView in camera3d

Methods in camera3d that return VcView
 VcView Viewport.getView()
 VcView J3DBase.getDefaultView()
          Returns the current default view

Methods in camera3d with parameters of type VcView
 void Viewport.setView(VcView view)
          Sets the VcView which will be shown by this Viewport.
 void GUIControl.setViewInViewport(int viewportIndex, VcView view)
          Sets a viewport to show a given view
 void GUIControl.changeViewInViewport(Viewport viewport, VcView view)
 void GUIControl.addViewport(VcView v)
          Creates action to add a viewport window tothe application and pushes it into queue.
 void GUIControl.addViewportInGUI(VcView v)
          Adds a viewport window that will show the view determined by the input VcView parameter.
 void GUIControl.changeProjectionPolicy(VcView vcView, int projectionPolicy)
 void GUIControl.changeMovementPolicy(VcView vcView, int projectionPolicy)
 void GUIControl.changeResizePolicy(VcView vcView, int projectionPolicy)
 void GUIControl.setFieldOfView(VcView view, double d)
 void GUIControl.frameObjectInView(VcView v, VcObject obj)
 void GUIControl.frameObjectsInView(VcView v)
 void GUIControl.lookAt(VcView view, VcObject vcObj)
 void J3DBase.setDefaultView(VcView view)
          Sets a view that already belongs to the collection of VcViews as the default view.
 void J3DBase.addView(VcView view)
          Adds a VcView to the scene graph; notifyChangeListeners is called at the end of execution.
 void J3DBase.frameObjectInView(VcView view, VcObject vcObject)
          Description of the Method
 void J3DBase.frameAllObjectsInView(VcView view)
          Description of the Method
 void J3DBase.lookAt(VcView view, VcObject vcObject)
          Description of the Method

Constructors in camera3d with parameters of type VcView
Viewport(VcView vcView)
          Creates a new Viewport to show a specific VcView.
Viewport(VcView vcView, J3DBase base)
          Creates a new Viewport to show a specific VcView.

Uses of VcView in camera3d.action

Methods in camera3d.action that return VcView
 VcView AddViewportAction.getVcView()
 VcView ViewChangeAction.getVcView()

Constructors in camera3d.action with parameters of type VcView
AddViewportAction(VcView vcView)
FieldOfViewAction(VcView view, double value)
FrameObjectAction(VcView vcView, VcObject vcObject)
FrameObjectAction(VcView v)
LookAtAction(VcView view, VcObject vcObj)
MovementPolicyAction(VcView view, int policy)
ProjectionPolicyAction(VcView view, int proj)
ResizePolicyAction(VcView view, int policy)
SetViewInViewportAction(int index, VcView view)
ViewChangeAction(Viewport viewport, VcView view)

Uses of VcView in camera3d.event

Methods in camera3d.event that return VcView
 VcView ViewChangedEvent.getView()

Methods in camera3d.event with parameters of type VcView
 void ViewChangedEvent.setView(VcView view)

Constructors in camera3d.event with parameters of type VcView
ViewChangedEvent(java.lang.Object source, VcView view)

Uses of VcView in camera3d.gui

Methods in camera3d.gui with parameters of type VcView
 void ViewportCombo.removeView(VcView view)
          Tells ViewportCombo that a view has been removed from the scene graph.
 void ViewportCombo.addView(VcView view)
          Adds a view to the list of view which can be selected for exhibition.
 void ViewportWindowManager.setViewInViewport(int viewportIndex, VcView view)
          Changes the view shown by a certain viewport.
 void ViewportWindowManager.addViewport(VcView view)
          Adds a new viewport window to workspace.

Constructors in camera3d.gui with parameters of type VcView
ViewportCombo(VcView view, GUIControl guiControl)

Copyright © 2001-2003 F.R. Miranda, C.S. Santos, J.E. Kogler Jr.. All Rights Reserved.