Uses of Class

Packages that use VcObject

Uses of VcObject in camera3d

Subclasses of VcObject in camera3d
 class DistanceMeasurer
          Object used to measure distances in the virtual world.
 class GeometryBag
          This class allows the easy creation of many kinds of geometry.
 class VcAmbientLight
          Represents an ambient light.
 class VcContent
          Holds Geometry content that can be added to scene graph.
 class VcDirectLight
          Represents a directional light.
 class VcHelper
          Abstract superclass for helper objects.
(package private)  class camera3d.VcLaser
          Title: Câmera Virtual - LIVES Description: Câmera Virtual para Controle via LabVIEW Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001 Company: Centro de Educação em Informática - SENAC - SP
 class VcLaserArray
          A laser array for structured lighting simulation.
 class VcLight
          Abstract superclass to all lights that can be added to the scene graph.
 class VcPointLight
          Represents a point light.
 class VcSpotLight
          Represents a spot light.
 class VcView
          Represents a camera in the virtual world.

Methods in camera3d that return VcObject
 VcObject J3DBase.getByLabel(java.lang.String label)
          Returns a VcObject given its label.

Methods in camera3d with parameters of type VcObject
 void DimensionsManager.computeTranslationControlsIncrement(VcObject vcObject)
          Sets the increment step for the translation controls, based on the length of the diagonal of the bounding box of an object.
 void SelectionList.addToSelectedObjects(VcObject vcObj)
          Adds vcObj to selected objects list.
 void SelectionList.removeFromSelectedObjects(VcObject vcObj)
          Removes the input object from list of selected objects.
 void VcObject.addVcChild(VcObject vcObject)
          Adds a VcObject as a child to this one.
 void VcObject.removeVcChild(VcObject vcObject)
          Removes a VcObject from child transform group.
 void VcView.frameObjectInView(VcObject vcObject)
          Translates the camera so a given VcObject is made completely visible.
 void GUIControl.renameVcObject(VcObject vcObj, java.lang.String newName)
          Sets the label of VcObject vcObj to a given String
 void GUIControl.translate(VcObject obj, TransformMode mode, javax.vecmath.Point3d destination)
 void GUIControl.translateX(TransformMode mode, VcObject vcObj, double value)
 void GUIControl.translateY(TransformMode mode, VcObject vcObj, double value)
 void GUIControl.translateZ(TransformMode mode, VcObject vcObj, double value)
 void GUIControl.rotateX(TransformMode mode, VcObject vcObj, double value)
 void GUIControl.rotateY(TransformMode mode, VcObject vcObj, double value)
 void GUIControl.rotateZ(TransformMode mode, VcObject vcObj, double value)
 void GUIControl.scaleX(TransformMode mode, VcObject vcObj, double value)
 void GUIControl.scaleY(TransformMode mode, VcObject vcObj, double value)
 void GUIControl.scaleZ(TransformMode mode, VcObject vcObj, double value)
 void GUIControl.scale(TransformMode mode, VcObject vcObj, double value)
 void GUIControl.removeFromScene(VcObject vcObject)
 void GUIControl.frameObjectInView(VcView v, VcObject obj)
 void GUIControl.lookAt(VcView view, VcObject vcObj)
 void J3DBase.removeVcObject(VcObject vcObject)
          Removes an VcObject from the scene graph.
 void J3DBase.frameObjectInView(VcView view, VcObject vcObject)
          Description of the Method
 void J3DBase.lookAt(VcView view, VcObject vcObject)
          Description of the Method

Uses of VcObject in camera3d.action

Methods in camera3d.action that return VcObject
 VcObject TransformAction.getVcObject()
 VcObject VcObjectRenameAction.getVcObject()
          Returns VcObject affected by this action.

Methods in camera3d.action with parameters of type VcObject
 void TransformAction.setVcObject(VcObject v)

Constructors in camera3d.action with parameters of type VcObject
DeleteAction(VcObject object)
FrameObjectAction(VcView vcView, VcObject vcObject)
LookAtAction(VcView view, VcObject vcObj)
RotationAction(VcObject v, TransformMode mode)
ScalingAction(VcObject v, TransformMode mode)
          Creates scaling action given VcObject to act upon and transformation type.
TransformAction(VcObject v, TransformMode mode)
TranslationAction(VcObject v, TransformMode mode)
TranslationAction(VcObject v, TransformMode mode, javax.vecmath.Point3d trans)
VcObjectRenameAction(VcObject vcObj, java.lang.String name)
          Creates the action given VcObject whose name will be changed and a String containing the new name.

Uses of VcObject in camera3d.event

Methods in camera3d.event that return VcObject
 VcObject ObjectAddedEvent.getObject()
          Returns the object added to the scene.
 VcObject ObjectRemovedEvent.getObject()
          Returns the object which has been removed from the scene graph.
 VcObject VcChildAddedEvent.getChild()
          Returns the Child which has been added to source object.
 VcObject VcChildRemovedEvent.getChild()
          Returns the Child which has been removed from source object.

Methods in camera3d.event with parameters of type VcObject
 void ObjectAddedEvent.setObject(VcObject vcObject)
          Sets the object added to the scene.
 void ObjectRemovedEvent.setObject(VcObject vcObject)
          Sets the object which has been removed from the scene graph.
 void VcChildAddedEvent.setChild(VcObject child)
          Sets the child property for this event
 void VcChildRemovedEvent.setChild(VcObject child)
          Sets the child property for this event

Constructors in camera3d.event with parameters of type VcObject
ObjectAddedEvent(java.lang.Object source, VcObject vcObject)
          Constructs a new ObjectAddedEvent
ObjectRemovedEvent(java.lang.Object source, VcObject vcObject)
          Constructs a new ObjectRemovedEvent
VcChildAddedEvent(java.lang.Object source, VcObject child)
VcChildRemovedEvent(java.lang.Object source, VcObject child)

Copyright © 2001-2003 F.R. Miranda, C.S. Santos, J.E. Kogler Jr.. All Rights Reserved.