Uses of Class

Packages that use VcAction

Uses of VcAction in camera3d.action

Subclasses of VcAction in camera3d.action
 class AddDistanceMeasurerAction
          Action that adds a DistanceMeasurer to the scene graph.
 class AddLightAction
          Adds a light to the scene graph.
 class AddLineGizmoAction
 class AddPlaneGizmoAction
 class AddPointGizmoAction
          Action for adding a point to a GeometryBag.
 class AddSegmentToLineArrayAction
          Action for adding a segment to a line array inside a GeometryBag.
 class AddViewAction
          Action for adding a new view to the scene graph.
 class AddViewportAction
          Action for adding a new Viewport window to the running application.
 class ChangeLaserArrayColorAction
          Action for changing the color of spots projected by a laser array.
 class ChangeLaserSpotSizeAction
          Action for changing the size of spots projected by a laser array.
 class ClearGizmosAction
          Action for clearing (erasing) geometry associated with GeometryBags.
 class DeleteAction
          Action that deletes a VcObject from the scene graph.
 class DumpEdgesAction
          Action that creates a text file with the list of edges of a VcContent object.
 class FieldOfViewAction
          Action for changing the field of view parameter of a given VcView.
 class FileOpenAction
          Action for loading a VRML file into VirtualCamera application
 class FinishLineArrayAction
          Action for finishing a line array inside a geometry bag.
 class FrameObjectAction
          Action for framing content objects in a certain view.
 class GeometryBagAction
          Abstract superclass to all actions that affect a GeometryBag.
 class GetDistanceAction
          Action for getting the distance measured by a DistanceMeasurer.
 class GizmoColorAction
          Action for changing the color of geometry associated with the default geometry bag.
 class GUIAction
          Abstract superclass for actions originated by GUI compoenents
 class JPGSaveAction
          Action for saving a JPEG image file from the view shown by a given viewport.
 class LaserAction
          Abstract superclass to all actions that affect a laser.
 class LightColorChangeAction
          Action for changing a light's color.
 class LightStateAction
          Action for changing the state (on/off) of a given light.
 class LoadXMLAction
          Loads a XML file containing descriptions of VcObjects and environment configurations into the VirtualCameta application.
 class LookAtAction
          Action to force a VcView to look at the direction of a given VcObject.
 class MeasureDistanceAction
          Action used for performing a measurement.
 class MeasurerAction
          Abstract superclass to all actions that affect a DistanceMeasurer.
 class MovementPolicyAction
          Action for changing the Movement Policy of given view.
 class PointLightAttenuationAction
          Action for changing the attenuation parameter of a given point light.
 class ProjectionPolicyAction
          Action for changing the Projection Policy of a given view.
 class ResizePolicyAction
          Action for setting the Window Resize Policy of a given view.
 class RotationAction
          Action for rotating VcObjects.
 class SaveXMLAction
          Creates an XML file containing the descriptions of objects currently present in the scene graph.
 class ScalingAction
          Action for changing the scale of one VcObject.
 class SetDistanceMeasurerDirectionAction
          Action for setting the direction used by a given DistanceMeasurer to perform a measurement.
 class SetLaserArrayGridAction
          Action for setting the grid parameters of a given VcLaserArray.
 class SetViewInViewportAction
          Action for setting the view which is shown by a given viewport.
 class SetViewportLocationAction
          Sets whether a given viewport is shown inside/outside the application frame, and also its size and position.
 class SpotConcentrationAction
          Action for changing the concentration parameter of one spot light.
 class SpotSpreadAction
          Action for changing the spread parameter of one spotLight.
 class StartLineArrayAction
          Action that starts the process of drawing a new LineArray in default GeometryBag.
 class ToggleGridAction
          Action that toggles the presence of the HelpingGrid.
 class TransformAction
          Abstract superclass to all actions that affect a VcObject's transform.
 class TranslationAction
          Action for translating a VcObject.
 class TXTSaveAction
          Action that creates a text file with description of objects currently present in the scene graph.
 class VcLightAction
          Abstract superclass to all actions that affect lights.
 class VcObjectChangeAction
          Abstract superclass to all actions that change a property inside VcObjects.
 class VcObjectRenameAction
          Action that replaces a VcObject's name.
 class VcViewAction
          Abstract super class to all actions that affect views
 class ViewChangeAction

Methods in camera3d.action that return VcAction
 VcAction ActionQueue.pop()
 VcAction ActionQueue.peek()

Methods in camera3d.action with parameters of type VcAction
 void ActionExecutor.interpretAction(VcAction action, ActionQueue outputQueue)
 void ActionQueue.push(VcAction action)
protected  boolean ActionQueue.sameActionType(VcAction action1, VcAction action2)
 boolean RotationAction.optimize(VcAction inputAction)
          Tries to combine the effect of this action and of inputAction into one single action.
 boolean ScalingAction.optimize(VcAction inputAction)
          Tries to combine the effect of this action and of inputAction into one single ScalingAction.
 boolean TransformAction.canOptimize(VcAction inputAction)
          Returns a flag indicating whether this action and inputAction can be merged into one single action with equivalent effects.
abstract  boolean TransformAction.optimize(VcAction action)
 boolean TranslationAction.optimize(VcAction inputAction)
          Tries to eliminate the Action given as input, when possible.

Copyright © 2001-2003 F.R. Miranda, C.S. Santos, J.E. Kogler Jr.. All Rights Reserved.