1 /***
2 * Virtual Mockup for Machine Vision Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Fabio R. de
3 * Miranda, João E. Kogler Jr., Carlos S. Santos. Virtual Mockup for Machine
4 * Vision Project funded by SENAC-SP Permission is granted to redistribute
5 * and/or modify this software under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
6 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
7 * the License, or (at your option) any later version. This software is
8 * distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
9 * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
10 * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
11 * (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html) for more details.
12 */
14 package camera3d.manipulation;
15 import camera3d.Axis;
16 import camera3d.TransformMode;
17 import camera3d.TransformScope;
19 import camera3d.test.NodeTester;
20 import com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry.ColorCube;
21 import java.awt.event.*;
22 import javax.media.j3d.*;
23 import javax.vecmath.*;
25 /***
26 *@author Fábio Roberto de Miranda, Carlos da Silva dos Santos
27 *@created November 13, 2003
28 *@version 21/08/2003
29 */
30 public class TransAdapterTester {
32 /***
33 * Indicates whether the app should run in standalone mode (in its own
34 * window).
35 */
36 private final boolean isStandalone;
37 /***
38 * Creates basic Java 3D structure.
39 */
40 private NodeTester tester;
41 /***
42 * Cube that will be manipulated.
43 */
44 private ColorCube cube;
45 /***
46 * cube TransformGroup.
47 */
48 private TransformGroup cubeTG;
50 /***
51 * Object which calculates the future coordinates of the manipulated object
52 * based on the position of the mouse cursor.
53 */
54 private TranslationManipulator manip;
56 /***
57 * Object which receives the coordinates calculated by the manipulator and
58 * then sets a TransformGroup's transformation matrix to reflect the new
59 * coordinates.
60 */
61 private TransTGAdapter adapter;
63 /***
64 * Visual representation of the cube local coordinate system.
65 */
66 private Axis cubeAxis;
67 /***
68 * Visual representation of the virtual world coordinate system.
69 */
70 private Axis worldAxis;
72 // used to displace cube from origin
73 private TransformGroup dummyTG;
74 private Transform3D dummyT3D;
77 /***
78 * Creates a Translation Adapter tester that runs as a standalone
79 * application.
80 */
81 public TransAdapterTester() {
82 this(true);
83 }
86 /***
87 * Creates Translation Adapter tester.
88 *
89 *@param isStandalone if true, the tester will run inside its own frame.
90 */
91 public TransAdapterTester(boolean isStandalone) {
92 this.isStandalone = isStandalone;
93 tester = new NodeTester(isStandalone);
95 cube = new ColorCube();
96 cubeAxis = new Axis();
97 cubeAxis.setVisible(true);
99 dummyT3D = new Transform3D();
100 dummyT3D.rotZ(Math.PI / 6);
101 dummyT3D.setTranslation(new Vector3d(-1.0, -1.0, -1.0));
103 cubeTG = new TransformGroup();
104 cubeTG.setTransform(dummyT3D);
106 // necessary capabilities so we can read and set the object's
107 // transform at runtime
108 cubeTG.setCapability(Node.ALLOW_LOCAL_TO_VWORLD_READ);
109 cubeTG.setCapability(TransformGroup.ALLOW_TRANSFORM_READ);
110 cubeTG.setCapability(TransformGroup.ALLOW_TRANSFORM_WRITE);
112 cubeTG.addChild(cube);
113 cubeAxis.setSize(3.0);
114 // attachs axis to cube
115 cubeTG.addChild(cubeAxis.getRootGroup());
117 // the adapter will act upon cubeTG
118 adapter = new TransTGAdapter(cubeTG);
120 dummyTG = new TransformGroup();
121 dummyT3D.rotX(Math.PI / 4);
122 dummyT3D.setTranslation(new Vector3d(0, 1, -5.0));
124 dummyTG.setTransform(dummyT3D);
125 dummyTG.addChild(cubeTG);
127 worldAxis = new Axis();
128 worldAxis.setVisible(true);
129 // adds axis to universe at the origin of coordinates
130 tester.add(worldAxis.getRootGroup());
131 tester.add(dummyTG);
133 // manipulator initialization
134 manip = new TranslationManipulator();
135 // manip will forward the coordinates to adapter
136 manip.setTranslatableObject(adapter);
137 // initially, manipulation will be performed in absolute mode
138 manip.setTransformationMode(TransformMode.ABSOLUTE);
139 // translation will happen in the X axis
140 manip.setTransformationScope(TransformScope.X);
141 manip.setCanvas3D(tester.getCanvas3D());
143 //repositioning the camera
144 dummyT3D.setIdentity();
145 dummyT3D.setTranslation(new Vector3d(0.0, 1.0, 4.0));
146 tester.setViewTransform(dummyT3D);
148 InternalListener listener = new InternalListener();
149 // add listeners to canvas so mouse events get forwarded to
150 // the manipulator
151 tester.getCanvas3D().addMouseListener(listener);
152 tester.getCanvas3D().addMouseMotionListener(listener);
153 // keyboard listener to change manipulation parameters at execution
154 tester.getCanvas3D().addKeyListener(new KeybListener());
156 if(isStandalone) {
157 tester.getFrame().setDefaultCloseOperation(javax.swing.WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
158 }
159 }
162 /***
163 * Runs tester application.
164 *
165 *@param args The command line arguments
166 */
167 public static void main(String[] args) {
168 TransAdapterTester taTester = new TransAdapterTester();
169 }
172 /***
173 * Gets the canvas3D attribute of the TransAdapterTester object
174 *
175 *@return The canvas3D value
176 */
177 public Canvas3D getCanvas3D() {
178 return this.tester.getCanvas3D();
179 }
182 /***
183 * Returns flag indicating whether this object is running inside its own
184 * window.
185 *
186 *@return The standalone value
187 */
188 public boolean isStandalone() {
189 return this.isStandalone;
190 }
193 /***
194 * Description of the Method
195 */
196 public void cleanup() {
197 tester.cleanup();
198 }
201 /***
202 * Description of the Class
203 *
204 *@author carlos.ssantos
205 *@created November 13, 2003
206 */
207 class InternalListener extends MouseAdapter implements MouseMotionListener {
208 /***
209 * Description of the Method
210 *
211 *@param e Description of the Parameter
212 */
213 public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
214 //System.out.println("click");
215 }
218 /***
219 * Description of the Method
220 *
221 *@param e Description of the Parameter
222 */
223 public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
224 // System.out.println("pressed");
225 // forwards the initial location of the
226 // mouse dragging to the manipulator
227 int mod = e.getModifiers();
228 if((mod & MouseEvent.BUTTON1_MASK) == MouseEvent.BUTTON1_MASK) {
229 manip.setBeginPoint(e.getX(), e.getY());
230 }
231 }
234 /***
235 * Description of the Method
236 *
237 *@param e Description of the Parameter
238 */
239 public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
240 //System.out.println("drag");
241 int mod = e.getModifiers();
242 if((mod & MouseEvent.BUTTON1_MASK) == MouseEvent.BUTTON1_MASK) {
243 manip.setCurrentPoint(e.getX(), e.getY());
244 }
245 }
248 /***
249 * Description of the Method
250 *
251 *@param e Description of the Parameter
252 */
253 public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
254 //System.out.println("move");
255 //int mod = e.getModifiers();
256 //if ((mod&MouseEvent.BUTTON1_MASK)==MouseEvent.BUTTON1_MASK){}
257 }
258 }
261 /***
262 * Description of the Class
263 *
264 *@author carlos.ssantos
265 *@created November 13, 2003
266 */
267 class KeybListener extends KeyAdapter {
268 /***
269 * Description of the Method
270 *
271 *@param k Description of the Parameter
272 */
273 public void keyPressed(KeyEvent k) {
274 if(k.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_X) {
275 manip.setTransformationScope(TransformScope.X);
276 System.out.println("__X AXIS__");
277 }
278 if(k.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_Y) {
279 manip.setTransformationScope(TransformScope.Y);
280 System.out.println("__Y AXIS__");
281 }
282 if(k.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_Z) {
283 manip.setTransformationScope(TransformScope.Z);
284 System.out.println("__Z AXIS__");
285 }
286 if(k.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_A) {
287 manip.setTransformationMode(TransformMode.ABSOLUTE);
288 System.out.println("__ABSOLUTE MODE__");
289 }
290 if(k.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_R) {
291 manip.setTransformationMode(TransformMode.RELATIVE);
292 System.out.println("__RELATIVE MODE__");
293 }
294 }
297 /***
298 * Description of the Method
299 *
300 *@param k Description of the Parameter
301 */
302 public void keyReleased(KeyEvent k) { }
303 }
305 }
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