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1 /***************************************************************************** 2 * Virtual Mockup for Machine Vision 3 * Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Fabio R. de Miranda, João E. Kogler Jr., 4 * Carlos S. Santos. 5 * Virtual Mockup for Machine Vision Project funded by SENAC-SP 6 * 7 * Permission is granted to redistribute and/or modify this 8 * software under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public 9 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either 10 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. 11 * 12 * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 13 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 14 * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU 15 * Lesser General Public License ( 16 * for more details. 17 * 18 *****************************************************************************/ 19 20 package camera3d; 21 22 23 import javax.swing.Icon; 24 import javax.swing.ImageIcon; 25 import*; 26 import javax.vecmath.Color3f; 27 import camera3d.event.*; 28 import java.util.*; 29 30 /*** 31 * Holds Geometry content that can be added to scene graph. 32 * 33 * @author Fábio Roberto de Miranda 34 */ 35 public class VcContent extends VcObject { 36 // overrides VcObject.instanceCounter 37 // allows instance counting of different subclasses of VcObject 38 private static int instanceCounter = 0; 39 40 /* List of degradation modes; each mode corresponds to the index of its representation 41 (i.e. geometry) in a switch group. 42 To create a new degradation mode, add it to the end of list of modes and 43 increment the numDegradeModes variable so it reflects the new number of 44 degradation modes 45 */ 46 /*** No degradation mode, shows default geometry. */ 47 public static final int DEGRADE_NONE = 0; 48 /*** Degradation mode that shows a box instead of the geometry. */ 49 public static final int DEGRADE_BOX = 1; 50 /*** Degradation mode that shows simplified geometry. */ 51 public static final int DEGRADE_SIMPLIFIED = 2; 52 /*** Number of degradation modes. */ 53 private int numDegradeModes = 3; 54 /*** Holds value of current degradation mode.*/ 55 private int degradeMode = DEGRADE_NONE; 56 57 //TransparencyAttributes transparencyAttributes; 58 59 /* we switch between the two transparecy attributes declared below as this object 60 is selected/unselected; simply changing changing the transparency value of 61 a single TransparencyAttributes object didn't work, as some geometries disappeared 62 from the scene when we did that (this is probably due to a bug in Java3D 1.3) */ 63 /*** Normal transparency attributes */ 64 private TransparencyAttributes opaque = new TransparencyAttributes(); 65 /*** Transparency attributes to be used when object is selected. Specify 66 * transparency value of 0.5*/ 67 private TransparencyAttributes transparent = new TransparencyAttributes(TransparencyAttributes.FASTEST,0.5f); 68 69 /*** List of Apperances from content nodes that have been added to this object. 70 * It is kept so we can change switch the TransparencyAttributes during selection.*/ 71 private List appearances = new ArrayList(); 72 73 private PolygonAttributes polygonAttributes; 74 75 private Icon contentIcon = new ImageIcon(this.getClass().getResource("icons/content_item.gif")); 76 77 /*** Controls exhibition of different geometries, according to degradation mode settings.*/ 78 private Switch sGroup = new Switch(0); 79 80 81 /*** Indicate whether this object is undergoing a transformation. */ 82 private boolean transforming = false; 83 84 /*** 85 * Creates content object. No geometry is created at this time, for including 86 * geometry use the addNode method. 87 */ 88 public VcContent() { 89 this.setLabel("content"+VcContent.instanceCounter++); 90 91 polygonAttributes = new PolygonAttributes(PolygonAttributes.POLYGON_FILL, PolygonAttributes.CULL_BACK, 0.0f, false, 0.0f); 92 polygonAttributes.setCapability(PolygonAttributes.ALLOW_MODE_READ); 93 polygonAttributes.setCapability(PolygonAttributes.ALLOW_MODE_WRITE); 94 95 // for implementing degradation modes 96 97 sGroup.setCapability(Node.ALLOW_LOCAL_TO_VWORLD_READ); 98 sGroup.setCapability(Group.ALLOW_CHILDREN_EXTEND); 99 sGroup.setCapability(Group.ALLOW_CHILDREN_READ); 100 sGroup.setCapability(Group.ALLOW_CHILDREN_WRITE); 101 sGroup.setCapability(Switch.ALLOW_SWITCH_READ); 102 sGroup.setCapability(Switch.ALLOW_SWITCH_WRITE); 103 sGroup.setPickable(true); 104 105 // creates groups which will hold different representations 106 // corresponding to the various degradation modes 107 for(int i=0;i<numDegradeModes;i++){ 108 // these BranchGroup must not appear in Picking Reports, as that would 109 // interfire with functioning of the picking behavior 110 // TODO: try to figure out a way so BGs are no longer necessary (currently 111 // they are needed so alternative geometries can be dettached inside computeBoundingBox 112 // method); Only the default geometry (index 0) should be pickable. 113 BranchGroup bGroup = new BranchGroup(); 114 bGroup.setCapability(Node.ALLOW_LOCAL_TO_VWORLD_READ); 115 bGroup.setCapability(Group.ALLOW_CHILDREN_EXTEND); 116 bGroup.setCapability(Group.ALLOW_CHILDREN_READ); 117 bGroup.setCapability(Group.ALLOW_CHILDREN_WRITE); 118 bGroup.setCapability(BranchGroup.ALLOW_DETACH); 119 bGroup.setPickable(true); 120 sGroup.addChild(bGroup); 121 } 122 super.addNode(sGroup); 123 } 124 125 /*** 126 * Returns the number of objects instatiated so far. 127 */ 128 public static int getInstanceCounter(){ 129 return instanceCounter; 130 } 131 132 /*** 133 * Adds a Node to this object branch graph. 134 */ 135 public void addNode(Node n){ 136 setSingleAttributes(n); 137 ((Group)sGroup.getChild(VcContent.DEGRADE_NONE)).addChild(n); 138 if(addNodeEvent==null){ 139 addNodeEvent = new VcNodeAddedEvent(this,n); 140 }else addNodeEvent.setNode(n); 141 currentEvent = addNodeEvent; 142 notifyChangeListeners(); 143 } 144 145 /*** 146 * Overrides VcObject.computeBoundingBox, so BoundingBox gets calculated only 147 * in relation to default geometry and not to degraded ones. 148 */ 149 void computeBoundingBox(){ 150 GeometryUtility.computeBoundingBox((Group)sGroup.getChild(VcContent.DEGRADE_NONE), 151 this.boundingBox); 152 Shape3D simplified = makeAlternateGeometry(sGroup.getChild(VcContent.DEGRADE_NONE)); 153 BranchGroup brGroup = (BranchGroup)sGroup.getChild(VcContent.DEGRADE_SIMPLIFIED); 154 brGroup.detach(); 155 brGroup.addChild(simplified); 156 if(sGroup.numChildren()>VcContent.DEGRADE_SIMPLIFIED){ 157 sGroup.setChild(brGroup,VcContent.DEGRADE_SIMPLIFIED); 158 }else sGroup.addChild(brGroup); 159 } 160 161 /*** 162 * Configures Appearance of content nodes so TransparencyAttributes can be changed 163 * during selection. 164 */ 165 private void setSingleAttributes(Node node){ 166 if (node instanceof Group ) { 167 Enumeration enum = null; 168 try { 169 enum = ((Group)node).getAllChildren(); 170 }catch (CapabilityNotSetException cns){ 171 System.out.println("Capability error at Node:"+((Group)node)+" :"+this.label); 172 cns.printStackTrace(); 173 } 174 while (enum.hasMoreElements()){ 175 setSingleAttributes((Node)enum.nextElement()); 176 } 177 }else if(node instanceof Shape3D){ 178 // Extract Geometry information from Shape3D 179 Appearance app = ((Shape3D)node).getAppearance(); 180 if(app!=null){ 181 app.setTransparencyAttributes(opaque); 182 app.setCapability(Appearance.ALLOW_TRANSPARENCY_ATTRIBUTES_READ); 183 app.setCapability(Appearance.ALLOW_TRANSPARENCY_ATTRIBUTES_WRITE); 184 appearances.add(app); 185 } 186 }else if (node instanceof Link){ 187 setSingleAttributes(((Link)node).getSharedGroup()); 188 } 189 } 190 191 Shape3D makeAlternateGeometry(Node node){ 192 Shape3D retVal = new Shape3D(); 193 List boxes = new ArrayList(); 194 recursivelyCreateBBoxArray(node,boxes); 195 196 Shape3D dummy = new Shape3D(); 197 Iterator iter = boxes.iterator(); 198 Color3f color = new Color3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); 199 while(iter.hasNext()){ 200 GeometryUtility.createBoxGeometry((BoundingBox),dummy,color); 201 retVal.addGeometry(dummy.getGeometry()); 202 } 203 204 return retVal; 205 } 206 207 private void recursivelyCreateBBoxArray(Node node, List boxList){ 208 if(node instanceof Group){ 209 Enumeration enum = null; 210 try { 211 enum = ((Group)node).getAllChildren(); 212 }catch (CapabilityNotSetException cns){ 213 System.out.println("Capability error at Node:"+((Group)node)+" :"+this.label); 214 cns.printStackTrace(); 215 } 216 while (enum.hasMoreElements()){ 217 recursivelyCreateBBoxArray((Node)enum.nextElement(), 218 boxList); 219 } 220 } 221 else if(node instanceof Shape3D){ 222 BoundingBox bbox = new BoundingBox(); 223 GeometryUtility.computeBoundingBox((Shape3D)node,bbox); 224 if(boxList==null) boxList = new ArrayList(); 225 boxList.add(bbox); 226 } 227 } 228 229 /*** 230 * Sets degradation mode, a resource to show a alternative geometry during transformations. 231 */ 232 public void setDegradeMode(int mode){ 233 // checks if mode is legal before setting 234 if(mode<this.numDegradeModes) 235 this.degradeMode = mode; 236 else this.degradeMode = VcContent.DEGRADE_NONE; 237 } 238 239 public int getDegradeMode(){ 240 return this.degradeMode; 241 } 242 243 244 public void select(){ 245; 246 /* commented out 19/03/2003 */ 247 //transparencyAttributes.setTransparencyMode(TransparencyAttributes.FASTEST); 248 //transparencyAttributes.setTransparency(0.5f); 249 Iterator iter = appearances.iterator(); 250 while(iter.hasNext()){ 251 ((Appearance); 252 } 253 //polygonAttributes.setPolygonMode(PolygonAttributes.POLYGON_LINE); 254 } 255 256 public void unselect(){ 257 super.unselect(); 258 /* commented out 19/03/2003 */ 259 //transparencyAttributes.setTransparencyMode(TransparencyAttributes.NONE); 260 //transparencyAttributes.setTransparency(0.0f); 261 Iterator iter = appearances.iterator(); 262 while(iter.hasNext()){ 263 ((Appearance); 264 } 265 //polygonAttributes.setPolygonMode(PolygonAttributes.POLYGON_FILL); 266 } 267 268 269 /*** 270 * Used to indicate whether this object is undergoing a transformation or not, 271 * to display some visual cues (axis, boundingBoxes, etc) 272 */ 273 public void setOngoingTransformation(boolean transforming){ 274 if(transforming){ 275 if(degradeMode!=VcContent.DEGRADE_NONE){ 276 sGroup.setWhichChild(this.degradeMode); 277 } 278 }else{ 279 // no degradation if object is not tranforming 280 sGroup.setWhichChild(VcContent.DEGRADE_NONE); 281 } 282 // sets new value of flag 283 this.transforming = transforming; 284 } 285 286 public boolean underOngoingTransformation(){ 287 return false; 288 } 289 290 /*** 291 * Returns the Icon associated with content objects. 292 */ 293 public Icon getIcon(){ 294 return this.contentIcon; 295 } 296 297 /*** 298 * Sets the Icon associated with content objects. 299 */ 300 public void setIcon(Icon contentIcon){ 301 this.contentIcon= contentIcon; 302 } 303 304 /*** 305 * Returns an array with all nodes contained. 306 */ 307 public Node[] getContent(){ 308 ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); 309 //Enumeration enum = pivotTG.getAllChildren(); 310 // We will only return the default representation and not 311 // the degraded ones 312 Enumeration enum = ((Group)sGroup.getChild(VcContent.DEGRADE_NONE)).getAllChildren(); 313 while(enum.hasMoreElements()){ 314 Object next = enum.nextElement(); 315 if (next instanceof Node){ 316 Node n = (Node)next; 317 list.add(n); 318 } 319 } 320 Node[] nodes = new Node[list.size()]; 321 list.toArray(nodes); 322 return nodes; 323 } 324 }

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